Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week of November 9 - November 15 - Hot fun in the FALLtime!!!

Animal Adventures

Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Service
Come on an urban adventure with us today!

Visit our website for more details about Animal Adventures and the services that we offer http://www.animaladventures.ca/


Monday 9th

We had a great day today, we only had one walk but it was a fantastic walk!

The group included Riley, Sweet Pea, Bobby, Jaida, Oscar, Tony, Missy, Biggie, Sushi – Casey had a spa day so she didn’t come on the walk.

We decided that since it was a PERFECT day outside we would hit the BEACH!!!!!

Once we got down there the kids were crazy!!! Everyone was running around and chasing each other in circles through the sand.

The main team of the day included Riley, Jaida, Oscar and Tony. The 4 of them were constantly together running in circles, wrestling and chasing each other. They also took turns jumping in the water and digging in the sand.

Bobby spent most of his time playing fetch with Henry, he is ball CRAZY. He took a couple dips in the lake going after stray balls – he is quite a swimmer!

Sweet Pea stuck with me for most of the outing walking back and forth across the beach but once she was warmed up she started to play! She taunted and chased Riley she can tell who’s got the most energy out there and she went for him.

Missy and Biggie stuck with me walking back and forth across the beach getting lots of exercise.

Sushi did lots of running and playing joining with the other dogs games but always coming back to hang out with me when she got tired.

The best part of the day was when we met a group of dogs just when we were leaving and Tony met his twin! Tony is a Rat Terrier from Kentucky and Cookie the Fox Terrier from down near Texas!!! They were so cute together and I got a fantastic pic of the two of them posing.

Check out the whole group in action:


Once we got back up into our neck of the woods we picked up Casey so she could see everyone in the van and they could see her perfect haircut!

After we dropped everyone off we headed to GMC to get another key cut for the new van (the stupid thing has a chip so you can ONLY get it from GMC for the cost of your first born). We had Riley, Oscar and Casey with us. They proceeded to entertain everyone in the waiting room with their silent wrestling and doggie antics.

Once we got the key Riley went home and Oscar, Casey and I hit the park for a short visit before heading home.

It was a great day, talk to everyone tomorrow.

Tuesday 10th

Today was a fun day! We only had 1 walk and a puppy visit with Sydney but the fun part was that my mother was here and came on the walk with us!

Today we headed for the Brickworks so my mom could see the awesome scenery.

The group included Riley, Sweet pea, Bobby, Jaida, Chloe, Seamus, Pepper and Casey.

When we first got to the park Henry, Riley and Pepper were still working their way down so mother and I split up the doggies and started on our walk.

Mom had Sweet Pea, Jaida and Chloe while I had the other doggies with me. The girls enjoyed tying her in knots and changing direction while we were making the rounds. Once they got into their groove they walked much better and mom had a good time.

When we got into the off leash are mother set up shop on one side of the park and enjoyed watching the dogs run around and visit on their way past.

Henry, Pepper and Riley finished their walk and joined us in the off leash area then all the kids started to get busy.

Riley and Jaida.... ran and ran and ran and ran. Riley and Jaida both mixed and mingled with other dogs in the park and while Jaida chased cars along the fence line Riley was hot on her tail.

Sweet Pea kept visiting with my mom whenever we walked by, my mother LOVED her I think even more than Casey!

Chloe ran in circles around my feet and had fun exploring the park and the trails.

Bobby walked in my shadow as we made the rounds. He’s my little man when we are out and about (and there is no ball in sight).

Seamus did his own thing tearing down through the bushes and looping back to ensure the group was still together.

Pepper kept us moving along and ensured that we were going at a good pace. She is very motivational with her barking.

Henry and Sydney had a great visit and always she was very happy to see him.

It was a super fun day and glad that it’s a short one, we’ll see everyone tomorrow.

Wednesday 11th

Today was a busy day for Animal Adventures. We had our main group walk, puppy visit with Sydney then two afternoon walks.

The group walk included Riley, Prince, Sweet pea, Tony, Bobby, Tea Cup, Jessy, Chloe, Sushi and Casey.

We headed for Winston Churchill today to do some running around and mixing and mingling.

It was Jessy’s second outing with our pack, since it’s kind of intimidating to be with the rough and tumble gang we’re giving her time to get used to everyone and keeping her on leash so she doesn’t get too scared and run back to the car!

Tea Cup and Bobby hung out with Henry playing fetch and flirting... well Tea cup was flirting and Bobby was playing fetch.

Chloe and Sushi as the two smallest pack members stuck with me as we made the rounds. Casey ran them over and wrestled with them both as we passed by her. She is such a brat and loves picking on those two girls.

Tony stuck with Riley as he ran around chasing other dogs and getting Tea Cup to sprint. Tony loves to howl as he circles the group then sprints over to pounce on Riley. Then Riley would tear away and pounce on Tea Cup. It’s a vicious circle.

Prince is the hall monitor who ensures that everyone behaves and has a safe and happy time. He does get into the fun from time to time but always behaves himself.

When we wrapped up Henry headed down to see Sydney for their happy time while I dropped everyone off.

When we were finished Henry picked up Gizmo and headed to Sunnybrook for some more fun.

Riley and Prince were still ready to roll so they kept Gizmo Company on the outing. The group them played together and ran, chased and wrestled with each other for the entire outing. Everyone gets along so great.

Finally this afternoon I had a last minute walk with Bogart. We strolled around the neighbourhood visiting with the local puppies and getting some exercise along the way. It was a nice night but a cool night. We had some good bonding time.

I’m ready to call it a night, talk to everyone tomorrow.

Thursday 12th

Today is a busy day we have 5 walks (a couple small strolls) and a puppy visit with Sydney.

The group walk consisted of Riley, Chloe, Sweet Pea, Bobby, Tea Cup, Seamus, Oscar, Abby, Casey and a new dog Jax we went to Sunnybrook.

We had a great time, it was a perfect afternoon. The sun was out and it was perfect weather.

As usual we started in the off leash park then made our way down the trails to run, splash and get good and dirty.

Jax did great for her first time out, she was a little intimidated but I think she will get the hang of it as the weeks go by.

Sweet Pea and Chloe are quite the pair, well actually sweet pea likes to pick on Chloe and chase her around barking her head off. Very cute!

Abby did great, she was off leash and stuck with Riley and Oscar running back and forth down the trails wrestling as they went.

Tea Cup got into the race staying ahead of the group.

When we wrapped up the group walk Henry went to visit Sydney while I did the drop offs.

Next I took out Diva out for a walk with Oscar and finally we played with Remi and Hazel.

Lastly this evening we picked up a new doggie named Winnie whose parents were in town and needed boarding. She was a super sweet Westie who was very cute and cuddly. On the way home we picked up Belle for a week long sleep over. It was a busy night.

BUSY day. Talk to everyone tomorrow.

Pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/contactme.animaladventures/AWonderfulDayAtSunnybrook?feat=directlink

Friday 13th

We started out the day visiting with Remi and Hazel.

The group walk was a big one and included Riley, Chloe, Tony, Bobby, Pepper, Belle, Molly, Casey and a new dog Winnie we went to the Cherry Beach.

Molly had fun playing at the beach and jumping in the water it was her first time there!

Winnie was a good girl, a little nervous at the beginning but then she loosened up and played with the other doggies.

Pepper, Bobby and Belle took turns jumping into the lake and playing fetch.

Everyone else was just busy running and wrestling.

Next I took a stroll with Diva and a lovely Friday evening then hung out with Remi and Hazel to close off the day.

I’ve been fighting a cold all week so this weekend better be relaxing!!!

Talk to everyone tomorrow.

Pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/contactme.animaladventures/GroupWalkAtCherryBeach?feat=directlink

Weekend 14th, 15th

It was a beautiful weekend and the weather was perfect.

On Saturday morning I met up with Remi and Hazel then grabbed Belle and we headed for High Park to run and play. It was a perfect outing.

In the afternoon Diva, Casey and I strolled to Sherwood, Diva had tones of energy and it was a PERFECT afternoon for a walk.
Once we got back I hung out with Remi and Hazel.

On Sunday morning we had a quick visit with Remi and Hazel then in the afternoon Remi, Hazel, Belle and Henry headed for Sunnybrook to play for the afternoon. They had a good time playing in the off leash park and running along the trails.

Finally we closed off the day with a final visit with Remi and hazel.

Busy weekend, great weekend. Talk to everyone tomorrow.

Pictures from High Park with Remi, Hazel and Belle: http://picasaweb.google.com/contactme.animaladventures/WeekendFunWithRemiAndHazel?feat=directlink

Pictures from Sherwood with Diva and Casey: http://picasaweb.google.com/contactme.animaladventures/DivaAtSherwoodOnABeautifulDay?feat=directlink

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