Thursday, November 26, 2009

Week of November 23 - November 29 - Here comes the rain!

Animal Adventures

Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Service
Come on an urban adventure with us today!

Visit our website for more details about Animal Adventures and the services that we offer


Monday 23rd

Today is a quiet day with the group walk and a second mini walk with Oscar.

We decided to go to the Brickworks today for our group walk. The puppies in attendance included Riley, Sweet Pea, Bobby, Tony, Belle, Tea Cup and Casey.

We ended up staying in the off leash park for the duration of our outing today instead of doing our usual trail walk. Everyone had a blast running around acting silly and meeting the other dogs.

We met a really nice dog named Gracie who ended up hanging out with our crew and especially with Tony ;-)

It was a nice day NO RAIN but we know that is going to change as the week progresses.

Next Riley came with me to pick up Oscar and we headed to Sunnybrook to play. The good thing about these two is they entertain themselves and I don’t have to do much ;-) These two wrestle and run the entire time they are together it is totally fun to watch.

It was a very nice relaxing day, we will talk to everyone tomorrow.

Tuesday 24th

Today is a busier day but still not too crazy. We have the group walk then the puppy visit with Sydney, an afternoon walk with Gizmo and Bogart then a stroll with Diva.

It was a beautiful day today so we headed to Sunnybrook with the pack. The group included Riley, Sweet Pea, Bobby, Chloe, Jax, Seamus, Pepper, Biggie, Sushi, Casey and a new dog to the pack Millie.

We split up the pickups so my group was at the park before Henry’s group. We headed down the trail to start playing while waiting for the rest of the pack to arrive.

It was great to see Pepper, Riley and Jax come running down the trail to the open arms of the other pack members.... then everyone got their crazy on!

I knew Mille would hit it off with Riley and I was not wrong they played, chased and wrestled the whole time.

Biggie and Sushi were cold so they got a ride in my coat to keep warm. I was happy to see Missy when I picked them up this AM she looks great and I hope she continues to recover.

As usual Big and Sushi were the belle’s of the ball, all the dog walkers love my “little” group and especially Mr Big’s giant personality.

Once we made it back to the park and everyone had a minute to dry off it was time to go.

Henry headed to Sydney’s for her pee break while I did the drop offs.

Next I went to visit Diva to take her out with Gizmo and Bogart. She decided she didn’t feel like going very far today so we did a very short stroll and then I headed out to pick up the other 2 rug rats.

Since it was just the 3 of us I decided that we would go for a walk on the Belt Line instead of just around the block.

Bogart and Gizmo get along really well, it’s such a shame it gets so dark so early! At least we had some light when we started out.

We stopped and played with some of the local dogs in Oriole Park before heading back down the path to the van to head home.

It was a good day today, sounds like tomorrow is going to start to get wet ;-( BOOOOOOO!!! Talk to everyone tomorrow.

Wednesday 25th

Well today the rain came! We only have 2 walks which is great because it is a cold and miserable day outside.

The group walk included Riley, Sweet Pea, Bobby, Chloe, Tony, Oscar, Prince, Molly, Belle, Tea Cup and Casey.

We decided to head to Winston Churchill in an attempt to stay somewhat clean.... didn’t work very well – there is no such thing as a “non muddy” dog park!

We made the best of it! Riley and Oscar entertained each other with Molly, Chloe and Tea Cup joining in on the case to try and keep warm.

Belle kept everyone together and wrestled with Prince – Pug vs. Sheppard – not a fair match if you ask me.

Even Sweet Pea kept warm terrorizing Chloe and chasing her around the park.

When everyone started to look good and prune-ie we packed up and headed out.

Henry took my big group of “daycare” dogs home so they could get warm and dry off before heading over to visit with Sydney.

I wrapped the rest up in towels and started to drop everyone off.

When I got home Prince, Riley, Casey, Tony, Oscar and I cuddled on the couch trying to get warm! 5 dogs is better than an eclectic blanket any day.

Next I headed out to pick up Bogart and Diva for our afternoon walk. The rain had finally moved on so it was actually a really nice evening! We went for a nice stroll along Yonge Street doing some window shopping then worked our way back home.

Tony is staying with us until the weekend so Casey, Tony and I hit the local dog park for a quick visit before calling it a night.

What a cold wet terrible day! At least the super cute doggies make it more enjoyable! Have a great night talk to everyone tomorrow.

Thursday 26th

Today we have one main group walk then our puppy visit and a couple smaller outings.

The group walk included Riley, Sweet Pea, Bobby, Chloe, Abby, Seamus, Tony, Jax, Jessy, Jaida and Casey. We took advantage of a nice day to head to Cherry Beach for some fall fun.

This November has been fantastic I can’t believe we’ve had so many “beach” days. The group had a great time running and playing in the sand, playing fetch and wrestling!

There is something for everyone at the beach! I got some pics of the comings and goings.

When we were done we packed up and headed home. Henry went to play with Sydney while I played bus driver.

Later in the evening I had a stroll with Diva and Bogart ended up coming along. We had a good walk; it was a cool night but a nice night. Finally we had a last minute outing with Belle so after running around the neighbourhood it was time to call it a night.

Seamus stayed for a slumber party, he likes to cuddle ;-) He will be heading home after the walk on Friday. He’s a great kid and fun to have around.

What a great day... what a long day! We’ll talk to everyone tomorrow.


Friday 27th

Today we had our group walk and the puppy visit with Sydney, it’s a short day!

We split into 2 groups for today’s walk; Henry picked up half the doggies and met me and my half at the park. The group walk included Riley, Sweet Pea, Bobby, Belle, Chloe, Tony, Seamus, Pepper, Tea Cup, Jax and Casey. We were pooped from a busy week so we decided to enjoy the nice day and head back to Sunnybrook.

Everyone had a good time running around and being silly. The park was reasonably quiet, we actually ran into Millie our new pack member who was there with her mommy.

My pack and I left the park first (because we got there first) so I dropped off my doggies then headed over to visit with Sydney.

When Henry was done at the park he took his kids home and called it a day.

Bobby stayed with us for the day then he went home in the evening. He’s a funny boy, he’s into everything!

It was a nice day, a quiet day! Have a great weekend everyone.

Weekend 28th, 29th

Saturday afternoon Tony went home then Belle came over for a sleep over. The only other walk we have today is a stroll with Diva in the afternoon. On Sunday after Belle went home we ended off the day with a rainy stroll with Diva.

It was such a busy week and we’re almost into December I can hardly believe it!

Talk to everyone next week.

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