Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week of October 12 - October 18 - Enjoying the Beautiful Fall Colours

Animal Adventures

Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Service
Come on an urban adventure with us today!

Visit our website for more details about Animal Adventures and the services that we offer http://www.animaladventures.ca/


Monday 12th

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today was a quiet but BUSY day.

Casey was going with Henry to a Thanksgiving dinner while the kids were coming with me to my family Thanksgiving.

Other then morning and afternoon visits with KitCat and Casper that was it for the day.

The kids loved the dogs at my family function. They spent a lot of time petting them and trying to touch Mr Big.

Sushi gave lots of kisses while Missy did lots of staring hoping some food would fall off the table. Biggie did lots of growling and hissing so everyone steered clear of him.

Before heading home we stopped in at my Sister-in-law’s new apartment and the kids had fun running around and jumping on Connor’s bed.

Casey had a good time at their function. Everyone loved her and she got completely spoiled.

It was a good day but a really long day. It was a good weekend but a really long weekend. Now we have to get geared up for the rest of the week.

Bring on Tuesday!

Tuesday 13th

Today we had 2 walks and the weather was in our favour!

We had a huge first walk which included Riley, Jaida, Tea Cup, Gizmo, Pepper, Biggie, Sushi and Casey. Missy stayed home to sleep as she's an old gal and she had a really busy weekend.

Half way through picking up the dogs we decided to switch our destination and head down to Cherry Beach instead of the Brick works. It was just too nice of a day to pass up playing on the beach.

When we got to the park the kids were so excited to get out and start running.

There were lots of other dogs in the park doing the same thing as us, the water was perfect the sand was great the wind wasn’t too bad coming through the trees, we had a blast!

Gizmo, Riley, Jaida and Tea Cup were an instant pack chasing each other around the park, through the bushes and onto the beach. They were so funny together and go along great.

Casey wandered off by herself as she does, she had to go on leash arrest because she kept taking off and getting into trouble!

We didn’t have a ball with us today so Pepper could not play fetch but she ran around and kept everyone together and moving forward. She is a great guard dog.

Sushi and Biggle waddled along behind us and did really well keeping up. They both got piggy back rides throughout the session so they didn’t get too tired.

I took some pictures of the kids playing:


We had a fantastic afternoon now everyone is crashed out sleeping ;-)

Wednesday 14th

Today was a fantastic day both weather wise and play session wise.

For our group walk we had a big group, Riley, Tea Cup, Jaida, Prince, Gizmo, Seamus and Casey. It was a beautiful day so we headed to Sunnybrook to mix and mingle as well as play back on the trails.

It wasn’t terribly busy in the park today which was nice, sometime it is overcrowded and it can be a bit much. Once we got into the park and situated we worked our way through to the trails.

The leaves were changing and the water was bubbling while the dogs tore up and down the path jumping into the creek and running up the banks. We went further back on the trails then we have in the past and everyone enjoyed discovering new territory.

Seamus was doing his running / growling thing as he bolted down the path, through the creek, and screaming back through again.

Riley and Jaida were tearing around chasing each other through the trees and bushes. Those two are inseparable when we are out together. They push each other’s buttons and keep each other going.

Gizmo joined in from time to time but was just as happy to bounce around and play with everyone, he’s a social butterfly.

Prince was huffing and puffing as we made our way around (he’s a pug... he huffs and puffs, it’s his nature). Gizmo and him got along so well they did spend a fair amount of time together bumping and playing with each other.

Tea cup was enjoying actually getting dirty!! She was begging to be chased, she would run up to someone and start barking at them and then tear off looking back to see if they took the bait. When they didn’t she would stop, look annoyed then approach another dog and try again.

When we made our way back to the park we walked the perimeter visiting and playing along the way. It was a shame to leave, we were having so much fun and it was a perfect fall day.

Once we dropped everyone off I went and picked up Belle for our outing.

I decided that we had so much fun earlier that we would head back to Sunnybrook. Belle and I headed to the trails and away we went. This time we went even further into the bush.

Belle was so funny, jumping over downed trees, dipping under fallen branches, clearing giant mud puddles and every step of the way looking back to check on me to make sure I was ok and keeping up.

The trail keeps going from where we stopped so next time we’ll venture in even more. Eventually we should hit Sherwood if we keep going.

The last walk of the day was with Diva, Prince and Casey tagged along as we strolled around the block and through the park. It was a nice walk. Once we dropped of Diva we took Prince home then we picked up the kids for a quick stroll then settled in for the evening.

Today was a fantastic fall day let’s hope that we get a few more of these before the snow rolls in.

Thursday 15th

Today we had 2 walks and i’ve got a bedtime pee break with Diva.

Today was a winter coat kind of a day! The walk included Riley, Jaida, Seamus, Gizmo, Sushi, Mr Big and Casey.

Everyone got bundled up and we headed out into the park for our stroll. It was a nice day despite the cool temperature. Gizmo was sporting a lovely Halloween bandana and looked very charming ;-)

Biggie and Sushi walked for a bit then hitched a ride because it’s a lot of work for those little legs to keep up. After a nice stroll we hit the off leash park.

Biggie and Sushi did one round of the off leash park then they hung out with Henry and watched as the dogs ran by.

Riley and Jaida.... well they ran and ran and ran and chased and chased and chased. Same story as other outings ;-)

Seamus had a great time running around visiting with the other dogs in the park and keeping ahead of the group leading the way.

Gizmo made friends with a dog and we didn’t see him for the first part of the walk, they were chasing each other around and he finally caught up with us to run around with the group.

I snapped some pics of the fun while we were out and about:


In the afternoon I took Bobby out for an afternoon walk. We worked our way around the block and stopped at the park and played fetch until he was good and tired.

The last outing of the evening is to take Diva out for her bedtime pee break then off to bed.

Have a great night everyone, talk to you tomorrow.

Friday 16th

Today I was under the weather so Henry took care of the group walk.

We had a small group today including Riley, Pepper and Belle. They headed to the Taylor Creek Park ravine at St. Clair and O’Connor. It was a nice day they had a good time.

In the afternoon when I was up and about I took a stroll with Casey and Diva while Henry went to visit the kitty cats.

I was glad to have the break, it’s going to be a nice weekend and I want to be able to get out and enjoy it.

Talk to everyone tomorrow.

Weekend 17th, 18th

Today was a beautiful fall day! There were tones of people out enjoying the weather before the rain comes back in again.

In the afternoon we packed up the kids and Belle and headed to Sunnybrook to play on the trails.

Belle spent most of her time running back and forth between Henry and me while herding the kids in between.

Missy poked along sniffing everything as she went. She had a great time and was pooped when we were finished.

Sushi kept up with Casey and Belle and had fun jumping around in the fallen leaves.

Mr Big toddled along telling off bikers and walkers as they passed by as only biggie can do. He had a great time and was also ready for bed when we were finished.

When we wrapped up Henry went to meet Diva and we all met at the park at the end of the day for a visit with the local doggies. What a great day

Sunday was also spectacular. We had a walk scheduled with Bobby so again we packed up the kids and headed to Sherwood.

Again Sherwood was packed; there were so many people out enjoying the sunshine!

Bobby and Henry played fetch on the hill for the majority of the session.

Missy took her time walking down the hill and eventually caught up with Sushi, Biggie and me down the field with a bunch of dogs where they were running around and playing in the sun.

As usual Mr Big was the hit of the park with his glowing personality; I tell ya everyone loves that kid.

After hanging out for a while Henry and Bobby came and joined us and visited with the other doggies on the hill.

Bobby let us know when it was time to go home when he got into a scuffle with a nice little puppy named Molly. Grouchy Bobby!

At the end of the day we took the kids down to visit the kitty cats since the cats have been living in a quiet calm house since we’ve had the doggies. They were happy to see them and I believe they were happy to see them leave.

At the end of the day we got a last minute call to take Belle out for an end of the day stroll.

I picked her up and we made it to Sunnybrook with enough time before the sun set to head back on the trails and have an adventure. It was a perfect night and as usual we had a great time!

What a great week. Talk to everyone tomorrow.

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