Monday, August 17, 2009

Week of August 17 - August 23 - Oye!

Animal Adventures

Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Service
Come on an urban adventure with us today!

Visit our website for more details about Animal Adventures and the services that we offer



Today was another hot day in T.O.

We decided to take it easy on our two walks today. It was a Belt Line kinda day!

We picked up Riley and him, Casey and I walked from the usual starting place over to Oriole Park where we spent the last 1/2 hour of our session sitting under a tree, drinking water and playing fetch. It was good to get a bit of exercise but it was just TOOOOO hot.

For the second walk we picked up Belle and again went to the Belt Line. Today was actually really nice there. There was a breeze actually coming through the trail so it was kind of comfortable. Belle had a good time and was her usual wonderful self.

We ended at the same park, got a drink of water and headed home.

Quick update today, I'm too tired to type ;-)


Today was a quiet day with Animal Adventures.

Riley is now on vacation and I don't walk Belle until tomorrow so I've been able to enjoy my air conditioner instead of being outside in the hot, humid, smoggy air.

Early this evening I got the honour of walking a new member of the Animal Adventure pack! His name is Gizmo and he is a complete doll! First we started out at the school playing "Fetch". Well the it was actually reverse fetch... I throw the ball... Gizmo catches the ball then I have to go fetch the ball from him while he plays keep away. It was a very fun game while it lasted.

We then walked around the block and did a quick visit with the dogs at the dog park before heading home.

I'm glad that today was so relaxing, it was nice to have a break from the heat.


Today we had 2 walks planned.

The first walk was with the kids, I picked them up and we headed to Oriole Park. Mr Big looked very dashing with his brand new hair cut!!

I had wanted to do a short walk of the Belt Line before settling in to play for a bit, but our plans got changed. We got settled under a nice big tree when a very nice man and his dog Bijoux came by to say hello.

Well Sake had found a playmate! The two of them chased each other and wrestled for the entire session. Sushi ran around a bit but watched them from the sidelines. She actually spent most of the time over sitting on his lap (what a flirt) giving kisses and getting cuddled.

Missy was hanging out watching the birds, squirrels and kids run around. Casey was on leash arrest because she went out of bounds while chasing a squirrel so she was locked up for the rest of the session.

Mr Big cuddled with me most of the session and barked at the dogs as they would run by. He even went over to the guy and climbed up on his lap for some cuddles and pets. He was so precious!

When i dropped them off Sake was falling asleep on his feet, he had a great day and I'm sure he'll sleep well tonight.

My second walk was with Belle, we went to Sherwood park to walk around the loop. It was a nice day, there were lots of kids around and Belle was her usual self. We walked half way around then got into the river to splash around for a bit. The water was great, very chilly it was refreshing. Belle was actually splashing around playing today, he was in a great mood!

After we got out of the water we finished the loop and it was time to go home.

The end of a great day.


No walks today, it's my day off!!! ahh relaxing. See everyone tomorrow.


Post storms it was still really humid out but sunny and summery. We only had one walk today with the lovely and talented Belle.

Casey, Belle and I went to the Don Valley Brick Works to walk around for our session.

We had a great walk, the girls walked really well together except for when Casey was in the way of something Belle wanted to smell then she was just a speed bump.

At the end of our walk we went over one of the bridges to look for the turtles. There was a lady with her toddler and baby sitting down watching as well.

Belle was very interested in the thing that was floating around and Casey was also determined to catch it this time. The lady was saying that there were 4 that she had seen. There were 2 that we floating on the top of the water getting some sun then she mentioned the BIG ONE.

She pointed down in the water below where I was standing and slowly moving was the BIGGEST TURTLE I'VE EVER SEEN! It had to be 10 to 15 lbs.

It was the most creepy thing I've ever seen! too bad I had my hands full with the dogs, I couldn't get a picture.

We're definitely going to go back and try and get a picture


Today I have 2 walks. One with the lovely and talented Belle and the other is a "business trip" with two lovable Shar Peis Remi and Hazel.

For my walk with Belle, Casey and I took her to Mount Pleasant Cemetery and the other side of the Belt Line that we have not walked before. It is such a peaceful walk through the cemetery. Unfortunately the very nice security guard drove by and informed me that dogs are not allowed in the cemetery and we would have remember for next time but that we could keep on walking today.

We hurried along to the gate that leads onto the Belt Line then walked towards Mount Pleasant and back to the car. It was a nice walk but still very humid... I'm really starting to hate humidity.

Next I picked up two very sweet doggies to go outside and do their "business". Remi and Hazel had a good time running around and playing in the back field before we worked our way around to meet up with the other doggies in the dog park.

We had a great visit and Remi and Hazel had a good time sniffing and catching up with the group. Bessy played fetch with Hazel's soccer ball that she decided to bring out with her (which I ended up carrying around for her the entire outing because she didn't want to carry it -- of course).

The weather here is still so unsettled. It was incredibly windy and looked like it was going to start raining but thank goodness nothing materialized.

Today was a good day, tomorrow I get to hang out with Remi and Hazel again in the morning then that's it for this week. Next week we'll start all over again. Talk to you then!

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